Teddybjörn mamma till övergivet föl!

Hours after his birth, Breeze was found stumbling around by a farmer. The newborn foal was abandoned by his mother. That's when the farmer took him to Devon-based Mare and Foal Sanctuary where they instantly started caring for him. What happened next is both adorable and heartwarming. One of the staff put a 4-foot giant Teddy Bear in with Breeze.
The bear's name is Buttons and Breeze quickly warmed up to him.
Without his mother, Breeze has found an adorable replacement.
The two have been inseparable and they expect Breeze to be just fine.
Thanks to the rescuers and those who cared enough to take this little Cutie in.
And thanks, of course, to Buttons.

Den här söta historien fick jag från min kusin Siv som bor i Schweiz, men den har utspelat sig i USA, Wisconsin tror jag. Siv har bott rätt länge i USA också. Mina släktingar tycks dras dit.;-)
Nämen så gulligt med det lilla fölet och teddybjörnen...helt bedårande..
och ja, en så söt historia