Europeiska skoldagen 1972- går igen!
Europeiska Skoldagen .. | 2007-02-18 18:29:58.0 | |||
Hi Inga, I was in Dublin at the European Schools Day forum in 1972. Recently when clearing out some papers I found a list of participants in the "pea-pushing competition" - you represented Sweden, and I was one of the Irish competitors - and out of curiosity I spent a while with Google to see whether I could track down any of the names. Of course I wasn't sure whether it was the same Inga Magnusson until I saw your blog entry. It was for me quite an inspiring event and it was nice to read your memories of it. Since I have been living in Denmark for the past four years, I can read or guess some but not all of the Swedish. Best wishes, John |
Den här kommentaren dök upp idag! Alltså internet och bloggande är helt fantastiskt!!
Som en gengångare från ett evenemang 35 år tillbaka i tiden dyker det plötsligt upp en hälsning från John Gallagher från Irland. Jag var alltså guide för Sveriges representanter i ett internationellt ungdomsforum i Dublin 1972, Europeiska Skoldagen. Det var det sista jag gjorde ute i den stora världen innan jag flyttade till Årjäng och blev totalt bofast i livet.
Hi John, if You can read this. I will be polite and try to write in English even though You understand Swedish. Yes it was me in th European Youthforum in Dublin 1972 and I have many nice memories from this event. I remember visiting the big Newspaperoffice, we were at the GPO, the Swedish group was also invited to the Swedish amassadeur in Dublin for a coctailparty (the first in my life) together with some other people. I also remember the trip to Galway and the vikingmemorials at the coast. And I remember the invasion in North Ireland which took place when we were there. But I can´t remember the peapushingcompetition. Sorry!
I had a wonderful time in Dublin and I was the next year asked to be the secretary of the Swedish European Schooldays committe and take care of the practical arrangements in Sweden. But I turned this offer down because I wanted to start working without any other duties. And this I have regretted my whole life! Do You have any contact with ESD? Does it still excist? What do You do in Denmark?
Kul! Och åh, jag undrar och bävar något över när några irländare som jag träffade 1972 ska hitta min blogg!
Ha ha Annaa, på internet går det inte att komma undan! Jag ser med spänning fram emot mer info om våra kära irländska vänner!
sånt här är bara SÅ kul! börjar man googla på en eller annan gammal bekant/kamrat så kan man hitta jättespännande saker ;-)
Vad KUL för dig!!! Måste kännas helt fantastiskt roligt att få kontakt med gamla bekanta! Världen krymper väsentligt med internet...Själv har jag kompisar i flera länder utomlands som jag kan prata och se med på msn...på en sekund eller så..helt otroligt egentligen.
Trolda - Världslig!=D
Hi again Inga, too bad you didn't continue with the ESD. I don't think it exists now, at least not in that form. Did you ever go back to Ireland? It's changed a lot since 1972 - richer and more peaceful among many other changes. As for the pea-pushing competition, I have the proof, your signature on the list of participants! Your Swedish team-mate was a guy called Hans Berggren. These days I'm working in Roskilde University near Copenhagen. Mange hilsner, John
John: I am so happy to hear from You again!. I don´t think it exists any moore, at least I have not seen any invitations for the childrens in my school to take part in it.
No I never got back to Ireland, I am sorry. But here I have some bloggfriends who are great fans of Ireland and regular visitors. Your country is popular in Sweden. I understand that after joining the European community Ireland has had a great developement in economy an society.
In 1972 there were lots of poor people in Dublin, and I 22 years old saw real poverty for the first time in my life. I was a bit chocked.
I believe You about the peapushingcompetition! And I remember Hans Berggren who was one of the four young people representing Sweden.
What was Your task at the forum: participant, guide, or what? I only remember there where so many people from Ireland there, both in Dublin-forum 1972 and the year before in Saalfelden Austria.
Josephine: Jätteroligt! Jag har precis svarat på Johns kommentar och tog fram fotoalbumet från Dublin och har väldigt roligt när jag ser bilderna och minns.
Trolda: visst är det kul. Tur att vi lever i rätt århundrade och inte med utvandrarna på 1800 talet!
Verkligen trevligt! En på mitt jobb hörde ifrån en utbytesstudent, som bott hemma hos honom på 70-talet. Den amerikanske mannen gick då och då in och kollade i lokaltidningen hur det stod till i Finspång.
I was a participant, aged nearly 19, in Dublin. There were quite a lot of Irish participants, maybe 15 of us, since it was "local" for us. I was not at Saalfelden in 1971 but one of my friends from school was there and in fact met his future wife (from Germany). From Dublin I can remember some of the Swedish participants - I think Hans Berggren is in one of my photos but I don't know whether I really met you or talked to you. Anyway, it is very nice to reminisce about it since it was a formative event in my life.
Tjatis: Roligt att höra från Dig. Du kan väl inte vara hemma än
John: Yes I remember there were lots of participants from Irland and I don´t remember You I am sorry to say. But I hav some pictures and I will try to some of them on my blogg during the next days, perhaps the weekend. I can see Miss Kenna and Joe Brennan. But if am successful in copying the pictures to digital You can se for Yourself.
Don't worry Inga, I did not really expect you to remember me. I was just so glad to find your blog and your memories of Dublin, such as going to the pub ("The Cat and Cage" which still exists). I remember hearing that the Swedes went there although it was not allowed and it sounds from your description as though you enjoyed some Guinness. If you have some photos from Dublin it would be great - you can e-mail them to me or put them on the blog. It's a pity I can't read much Swedish - what I can read of the blog and your blog-friends' comments looks very interesting and fun. Best wishes, John
John: "The Cat and Cage" still exists??? That is fantastic! After all these years! But that is maybe a part of the culture in Ireland, to go to the pub year after year. My visits there were naturally only caused by my interest in Irish social life culture :-)) As a truly devoted student I did not care if it was allowed or not.
Pictures will come during the weekend. Now I have a fever and just work, sleep, work, sleep. But from the weekend and one week on we have a wintersportholiday at school so I am free to do what i want.
Blogging is very funny, I recomend it.
Yes Inga, I'm sure you were a very good student of Irish social culture... Get well quickly and enjoy your week's holiday. I'll check the blog later. John
John: Thank You, see You later.