ESD 72 - vikingatorn

John: Is this a stonetower at the coast where the people used to hide and protect themselves from the vikings? I don´t know the name.
Pictures of people I better send You on e-mail. Can You give me a good mailadress or shall I google for it on Your name + Roskilde? Or maybe it is a better idea to scan the pictures and send by snailmail?
Hi Inga, hope you are feeling better now. Thanks for posting the photos. The round tower is at Monasterboise which is about 50 kms north of Dublin - you can compare your photo with the ones at Yes, the Irish monks used to hide in these places from the vicious Scandinavians :-) The door was several metres above ground level with a removable ladder. I can't say the picture of you triggers any memories except maybe the blond hair :-) but neither my memory nor the photo is very clear. If you could send other pictures from ESD to [email protected] that would be great.
John: Thanks John for Your information and comments. I will check that page. I will send You some pictures from ESD on email or snailmail.
I think You would enjoy having a blogg of Your own!! You can start one here on, several people blog in English here too. We are an Englishspeaking people. Please let me know Your bloggadress when You start!